How Do I Join the Suffern Fire Department?
Both Companies hold training drills on Monday evenings, starting at 7PM. Members seeking to join the department are strongly encouraged to attend.
All prospective members must obtain and file an application to join one of the two companies – Suffern Volunteer Hose Co #1 or Suffern Hook & Ladder Co #1.
Ask for the Company President or Captain.

Benefits you may be eligible for...
Pension Program
New York State offers the LOSAP Program to volunteer firefighters to provide pension-like benefits to members.
Tuition Reimbursement
Rockland County offers the H.E.R.R.O program allowing tuition reimbursement to qualified applicants. FASNY - Tuition Reimbursement
College Credits
Some fire training courses may convert to college credits if applicable.
Tax Exemptions
As a volunteer firefighter, you may qualify for tax benefits. FASNY - Property Tax Exemption
Training Stipends
The New York State Volunteer Firefighter Stipend Program offers stipends for completing certain firefighter training courses.
Primary Responsibilities
Hose Company
At fire and accident scenes, members of the Hose Company are primarily responsible for locating and extinguishing the fire, obtaining a source of water to sustain fire fighting operations, and assisting the Hook & Ladder with their operations as needed.
Hook & Ladder Company
At fire scenes, members of the Hook & Ladder are primarily responsible for forcible entry, search & rescue, ladder operations, ventilation, salvage and overhaul. Assistance will also be given to the Hose Company on an as-needed basis. At accident scenes, this company is responsible for using the Jaws of Life to rescue victims from vehicles.